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Edmonton Facial Services

We offer a series of luxurious, anti-aging facial treatments. Stimulate collagen, create a more defined jawline, tighten facial skin or eliminate wrinkles.


Evoke is a revolutionary, hands-free facial remodelling platform that provides a variety of customizable facial aesthetic treatments within one device. To learn more about the procedure, go here.

Rejuvenate Facial Areas

Tighten Jawline & Cheeks

Zero Recovery Time


Morpheus8 is an effective minimally invasive device that combines radio-frequency with microneedling technique making it the most advanced form of microneedling yet. To learn more about the procedure, go here.

Eliminate Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Smooth All Skin Tones

Remodel Aging Face


Lumecca by Inmode® is the most powerful intense pulsed light (IPL) system to treat pigmented and vascular lesions. To learn more about the procedure, go here.

Lumecca Improves The Appearance Of:

Vascular lesions (i.e. Spider Veins)

Age Spots


Sun Damage


Derma Fillers are a minimally invasive procedure that helps to diminish wrinkles and restore volume and fullness in the face.

To learn more about the procedure, go here.

Plump & Enhance Lips

Define Facial Contours

Smooth Facial Lines


Botox is a superior anti-aging solution that is directly injected underneath the muscle to relax and smooth the skin. To learn more about the procedure, go here.

Eliminate Wrinkles

Smoother Skin

Reclaim a Youthful Glow


Redefine Your Look

Contour, Enhance & Glow